Endosonography—by Drs. Robert H. Hawes, Paul Fockens, and Shyam Varadarjulu—is a rich visual guide that covers everything you need to effectively perform EUS, interpret your findings, diagnose accurately, and choose the best treatment course. World-renowned endosonographers help beginners apply endosonography in the staging of cancers, evaluating chronic pancreatitis, and studying bile duct abnormalities and submucosal lesions. Practicing endosonographers can learn cutting-edge techniques for performing therapeutic interventions such as drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts and EUS-guided anti-tumor therapy. This updated 2nd edition features online access to the fully searchable text, videos detailing various methods and procedures, and more at www.expertconsult.com. You’ll have a complete overview of all aspects of EUS, from instrumentation to therapeutic procedures.
- Gain a detailed visual understanding on how to perform EUS using illustrations and high-quality images.
- Understand the role of EUS with the aid of algorithms that define its place in specific disease states.
- Locate information quickly and easily through a consistent chapter structure, with procedures organized by body system.
- Access the fully searchable text online at www.expertconsult.com, along with 60 procedural video clips, 300 downloadable PowerPoint slides, and 400 downloadable images, and regular updates reflecting the latest findings.
- Stay abreast of the most recent studies thanks to downloadable tables that summarize new information, updated on a quarterly basis.
- Master the technique of systematically performing EUS, then download the hundreds of slides and videos available online to teach and train the newer generation of endoscopists.
- Find coverage relevant to your needs with detailed chapters, illustrations, and videos on how to perform EUS for the beginner; a new section on international EUS and technical tips on how to handle difficult FNAs for the advanced user; a totally revised chapter on cytopathology for the pathologist; and a chapter on EBUS and EUS dedicated to the mediastinum for the pulmonologist.
- Get a clear overview of everything you need to know to establish an endoscopic practice, from what equipment to buy to providing effective cytopathology service.
- Tap into the expertise of world-renowned leaders in endosonography, Drs. Robert H. Hawes, Paul Fockens, and Shyam Varadarajulu.
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